Walking in God’s Light and True Spiritual Vision
In Genesis 1:2, we read that “the earth was without form and void.” But in the original Hebrew, the word was can be translated as became. This suggests that the earth became formless and empty after Lucifer was cast out of heaven. Yet, beyond this mystery lies a truth that we need to grasp in this generation—the call to walk as overcomers and reflect God’s light in a darkened world. The patriarchs like Abraham longed to see the day we live in, and they were given glimpses through prophetic vision.
Abraham saw into the future… he saw the reflection of the light of the future. That’s what vision is.
Vision as Divine Communication
Vision is a form of communication from God, transferred through spiritual light. When God imparts revelation, it’s like a packet of light, igniting understanding within us. Just as we say, “The light went on,” so it is when God’s truth is revealed.
Revelation is Light: As believers, when we receive a word from God, it’s an impartation of light and understanding.
Spiritual Vision: This communication enables us to see beyond the natural and recognize our role as reflections of God’s light.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world.”
We are called to be the manifestation of God’s light, radiating His truth in this world.
The Power of Pure Light: God’s Presence Made Visible
True light, which is from God, contains no darkness. As spiritual reflections, our lives are meant to display His pure, unwavering light.
Manifesting Light: Moses, after spending time in God’s presence on Mount Sinai, radiated light. His face shone because he had encountered pure light.
Healing through Revelation: When we grasp the reality of God’s light within us, transformation follows. At a recent event, a woman was healed as she understood the power of God’s light in her.
You are the manifestation of the reflection of God who is light to this world. Light is life.
Transfiguration and Walking in Light
At the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus released His inner light, revealing the full reality of His divine nature. This glimpse into the supernatural realm showed the disciples what happens when we fully walk in our God-given light.
Transfiguration by Faith: Jesus demonstrated that by faith, we can step into this same radiance, releasing the light of God within us.
A Life-Transforming Experience: When we align with this truth, we step beyond natural limitations, and even the atmosphere around us changes.
Embracing Your Light
God’s light within us transforms not only our own lives but also impacts those around us. As believers, we are called to embrace this truth, letting God’s light shine in all we do. Remember, God can do more in a minute than we could in a lifetime.
Key Takeaways
Walk as overcomers, reflecting God’s pure light.
Understand vision as divine communication through light.
Embrace your role as a manifestation of God’s presence.
May you shine His light boldly,
Dr. Bruce Allen